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(c) Apex Designs 2000

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23 March 2000

The Latest News

I regretfully announce that Payback has been delayed again - it will now not be available until late May at the earliest. This is partly due to continued delays getting hold of a graphics card and partly due to the sheer size and complexity of the levels. Despite this, a lot of new features have been added this month:

  • Hidden missions have been added. I don't want to give too much away, but I'm sure you'll enjoy discovering them!
  • Lots of new graphics for the levels have been drawn.
  • The scripting language has been expanded to include lots of new 'triggers', which will allow more varied missions.
  • A lot more of the city has been designed.
  • New 'secret' vehicles have been added.
  • Lots of bugs have been fixed.
  • The collision detection system has been made a lot more reliable.
  • Textures are now compressed so that they use half the memory they used to.
  • An options screen has been added.
  • More sound effects have been added. For example, you can now hear bullets ricocheting off the walls, or crashing noises as you plough into a tree. The sound of your footsteps changes as you walk over different surfaces.

Well, that's it for this time - look forward to seeing you next update!

James Daniels
Apex Designs

For more information about Payback, click here. To find out how to join the Apex Designs' mailing list, have a look here.

"We have the most thorough test guy in the world...I showed him this program and he asked, 'but Rob, what if time runs backward?'"